What We Do

Keep Mississippi Beautiful works to inspire and educate Mississippians to improve their communities by preventing litter, promoting recycling and beautification. We encourage all citizens to be responsible for improving the state’s scenic beauty and quality of life. These efforts boost civic pride, livability and local economies.

KMB is a certified state affiliate of Keep America Beautiful Inc., the nation’s largest community improvement organization. KMB leads a network of 59 certified local affiliates across the state. KMB was created in 1988 by the legislature.

Our Mission

To inspire and educate Mississippians to take action everyday to impact, improve, and beautify their community environment.

Litter Prevention

We like clean communities. We work with our volunteers and community affiliates to pick up and prevent litter through cleanup efforts and education programs. We donate trailers to aid sheriff’s departments with litter cleanup programs. Our current campaign, “Be Beautiful, Keep Your Community Clean and Green” and “Be Beautiful, Keep Our Waterways Litter-Free”, includes billboards with Lamar Advertising, social media, and broadcast messaging with SuperTalk Mississippi throughout the state of Mississippi.


Mississippi is a beautiful place. Through the Great American Cleanup and other projects, we work with volunteers to clean and green Mississippi communities. Through our Wildflower Trails of Mississippi project, we offer seeds to improve the aesthetics of public places, roadsides, parks and other locations. With support from one of the world’s largest bulb distributors, Van Zyverdens, we are able to offer flower bulbs to our affiliate communities.


We work closely with the Mississippi Recycling Coalition, businesses and communities to increase recycling opportunities and awareness in Mississippi. Our affiliates participate in America Recycles Day, host hazardous waste collection days and promote other ways to use resources wisely.

KAB’s Stacy and Tracy Promote Recycling


The first step in defeating litter is teaching citizens about it. We work closely with teachers to educate students about how to put litter in its place. Keep America Beautiful’s Waste in Place curriculum guide has hands-on lesson plans on litter prevention, beautification, community greening, recycling and an integrated approach to solid waste management.

Get Involved

Mississippi benefits from hundreds of KMB volunteers each year, and our volunteers benefit too! We want you to get involved. Meet new people of all ages and backgrounds who share a vision for a cleaner, more beautiful state.

Here’s a few ways to get involved:

More About Keep Mississippi Beautiful